Not a lot of people out there actually know how to enhance the taste and smell of their cum!

This could be you as well because I first had no idea too… So if you don’t know, yes when we ejaculate our load of sperm, it does have its own taste and smell.

Which, lots of men and women are interested and would love to enhance it for some “tasty yummy” effects!


Why, you may ask?

Well, our partners would rather taste and smell a much better “delicious flavour” instead of some salty, bitter, and even acid sperm that it normally has!

But in order to reduce the natural flavor that we (men) have when we ejaculate, we would have to enhance the body’s fluid in a completely natural and 100% safe way.

And what about keeping and maintaining our sex drive, performance, and healthy sexual package in a healthy state?

Well, let ME share with you a few options on what to do, and of course, what NOT to do as well if you really want to enhance your semen’s smell and taste.

Plus maintain a healthy sexual reproductive system, just keep reading!

How to Make Your Cum Delicious to Your Sex Mate?

Before anything, I do find it very important for you to know what NOT to do and avoid at all costs!

So here it is;

What to Avoid:

  • Avoid Dairy, Onions, Garlic, and Greasy foods
  • Avoid coffee and caffeine products
  • Avoid cigarettes, tobacco, cigars
  • Avoid excess alcoholic drinks

Now let me show you exactly what you need to do!

What to Do for a Much Better and “Delicious” flavor:

  • Drink a 1-2 glass of pineapple juice per day for a sweeter taste. Best when it’s organic natural juice. Eating pineapple will also have sweeter effects. PineApples have been proven to be the #1 best natural semen flavor enhancer.
  • Adding a spoon of Cinnamon to a cup of tea (free-caffeine) or to your oatmeal, should not only help sweeten up your sperm count but decreases Erectile Dysfunction (ED) issue as well. I’ve found resources that Cinnamon gives it a “candy” sweet taste. Peppermint and Cardamom also help too.
  • Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, Parsley, Asparagus, Celery, Mint leaves, Avocados, etc are some good flavor enhancers. Plus you will gain improvements in your overall general health. I suggest Organic veggies. Perhaps, according to our sources, the cabbage family such as Broccoli, Cauliflower has no effects.
  • Yellow/Orange Fruits: Melon (especially Honeydew), Mangoes, Oranges, and Papaya are excellent sources to promote tasty cum. Juicy Fibrous Fruits should be included for “delicious” smell and of course the taste.
  • Juicy Fruits Fresh fruits like Cranberries, Kiwi, Watermelon, Blueberries, Apple, Grapes, Acai, Plum, Strawberries, Peach, Cherries, etc are great.
  • Water: Did you know that WATER removes and flushes out toxins from our body? If you are not drinking enough water per day, I suggest drinking 2 liters of alkaline (best) water every single day. Plus Water makes sperm less thick and heavy which allows us to shoot further range.

Yes, these healthy nutritional foods will not only enhance your semen taste/smell but also help your male reproductive system to be very healthy and allow you to always be ready for sex.

Or maybe you want an easier, convenient way?

Then YummyCum capsules would be the best, most convenient option for you because it contains several of these natural fruit extracts and antioxidants I just listed above such as PineApples, Cinnamon, Acai, etc.


And by taking ONLY 2 capsules of YummyCum per day, after the first week, you can expect to ejaculate and shoot a sweeter “yummy and delicious” cum/semen.

So instead of spending the same amount of money to buy the fruits and vegetables that I’ve just shown you above + drinking at least 2 liters of alkaline water per day is much better and probably costs you less to just get the Yummy Cum capsules and you can rest assured that your partner will be happy with the alpha male’s tasty cum.


But if you want to completely enhance the amount of sperm that you’re going to shoot along with the tasty effects and feel impressed to satisfy both you and your sex mate there, then click here and I’ll show you Semenax volume enhancer to combine together for the best and maximum results!


Oh, I also can’t forget that your testicle size may feel fuller and that way, it will seem bigger sizes due to the extra load of semen volume that will be ready to shoot at a further range!

That also means that when you’re ready to release and ejaculate your load of sperm, you will have more intensive, mind-blowing orgasms with a huge load of cum! Yes, that’s right!

Not only your sex mate will feel impressive, but you can enjoy much more from its pleasure and satisfaction when you boost up your sperm/semen load here. So combine both and come back here to let me know your results and experience below! You’ll be happy.

(2024) How to Enhance the Taste and Smell of Your Semen? + KEEP Your Sexual Organ Healthy


I'm JAY known as 'CAVALAO', the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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