A lot of men out there are looking for ways to grow their penis size by inches, but what about when you actually achieved the growth you want there?

How do you maintain your penis enlargement gains? And what about how to stop the overall penis growth?

Yes, these are some questions that need to be answered and I will be explaining all of this to you!

In fact, if you don’t know, I am actually looking forward to stopping the penis enlargement process since I finally reached the exact 8″ 1/2 full inches of penis enlargement growth.

However, sometimes I feel like I’m not 100% fully satisfied and want it a little bigger! So now I’m going to keep using the #1 top best penis enlargement solution that really works and allowed me to make my penis grow to a new size!

Yet, I only want another half an inch, and that’s it…! I’ll be happy with a 9″ monster size! 🙂

Now, don’t get me wrong, it is permeant growth but the older we get, the fewer hormones we produce which if you’re not doing the 5 tips that I’m going to share with you in this post below, could affect penis size.

So we need to do our part as well to leave it permanent forever and not lose any gains whatsoever…

Which this complete post will show you what I do to actually maintain the growth gains and how to stop the growth!

How to Keep Your New Growth Gains

If you don’t know, once you reach a certain dick size that you desire, you need to stop the growth process.


Well, anything over 8-9″ full inches of penis size, could cause problems in both men and women.

For the alpha male who has this much size like myself, it is much more difficult to power up a monster cock to be up-right with a hard erection and to last longer in sexual activity, than those with small dicks.

And for women, a huge penis could start causing pain, which will then hurt inside of your partner’s vagina instead of making love to them.

For a fact, if you want to really know if size really matters, I do mention it here in this post about if a bigger penis is better than average

Now let’s get started because, in order to keep your new growth of gains, you can not abandon your penis and leave your sexual life to the side and expect the gains to still be there without you doing anything!

So the very first #1 thing you will have to do is;

  1. Keep having sex at least 2-3 times per week. Yes, that’s correct! You need to always reach a hard erection for your cock to properly function 100% right. If you don’t achieve an erection by every single week, the penis may slowly lose growth since no sexual hormones are being produced, and also no blood rushing to the penis chambers being filled…This means, you need to ejaculate at least 2-3 per week, even if it means through masturbation.

And why is that?

Well, put it like this! If you have a nice motorcycle and you don’t turn it on every month or so, then the engine will start to decline and the battery loses its power… Engines are not meant to just sit around!

The same goes with our sexual package, we need to always turn it on every week and get it hard as this is super important! If you don’t have a sexual partner, then click here to check out this post!

Oh, does masturbating really count?

Well, it does because you’re achieving a rock-hard erection and boosting blood flow to the erectile chambers, but here’s the tricky part!

If you’re overdoing it meaning beating off excessively or masturbating the wrong way, then it will cause more harm than good.

And that is because ejaculating too much, you’re putting massive amounts of pressure on your body to replenish both testosterone and serotonin.

It is best to have at least 24 hours after you have ejaculated for your own best! Sure, sometimes I might have sex up to 3 times a day to get out of the routine, but not every day!

And if you don’t get a hard erection every week or you don’t ejaculate at least once a week, you’re looking forward to expecting several sexual issues such as problems with your prostate, weak male reproductive system since it’s accumulating too many hormones, the penis might start to decline and get smaller over the years, and the list goes on!

Our penis is meant to get it up hard and use it, not just sit around for years and lose its function!

So make sure to get your male organ there up and running at least a few times per week for your own sexual advantages and overall health!

Now the second most important thing you need to do to maintain your penis enlargement growth is;

  1. 2. To always train and work out your PC Muscle by the Kegel exercises. That’s right, by exercising it, you’re training your body to keep sending blood rushing to your sexual package there and therefore, it will help you maintain your growth of gains, plus gain all the sexual benefits it has to offer to us men when we do kegel exercises on the daily basis.

Yes, kegel exercises for men have a number of benefits in terms of sexual health and to keep our male reproductive system healthy.

Not to mention, the exercises will allow you to have full control of your climax where you’ll know when to ejaculate and shoot your large load of cum!

In fact, I always mention on several other pages that the penis enlargement process without Kegel exercises is like having a gun without ammo

That is because you need to exercise the PC Muscle all the time because as the growth starts to occur, you need your own body to keep sending more amounts of blood to fill in these larger erectile chambers for a bigger, harder erection, or else you might get erectile dysfunction down the road.

And the 3rd main tip to help you maintain your growth of gains, plus achieve the hardest erection ever is by;

  1. 3. Reaching the Stage 3 swollen erection which I created this technique that you can finally use and get the most powerful extreme erection ever in a completely natural and safe way. You’ll achieve a larger, monster, and veiny penis size with this penile exercise!

Oh, I can’t forget to mention that for you to achieve this level 3 of hardness, you need to be an expert at doing the Kegel exercises!

There is actually no way to achieve stage 3 erections without working out your PC Muscle during the session because you need to have complete control of when to ejaculate, plus send more blood rushing to the penis chambers and so…

The 4th best tip would be;

  1. 4. To maintain your body in shape and fit by always exercising at the gym and making it your daily routine at all costs. As we all know, exercising and working out, or even performing a sport or a physical class increases the level of producing hormones, especially for us men, it enhances testosterone levels and HGH which is needed to maintain the growth of penis size and healthy sexual life.

Yes, believe it or not, to keep your growth of penis enlargement gains, make sure to be fit and have your body’s weight in a healthy state.

That is because if you’re fat/obese known as a “couch potato” who never exercises at all because of excuses, then this will actually make you lose your penis gains since you won’t be producing enough amounts of hormones.

Another thing is that when fat starts to accumulate in your body, the pubic area will also store fat, and that means the penis starts shrinking into the public area since fat is taking over, do you see what I’m saying here?!

Just so you know, if your stomach is sticking out and you can’t see your penis down there when you look down, then you have a big problem there!

So always exercise your body to be in great shape, your mind to control your life, and your sexual male organ to always have a great sexual lifestyle there!

The Last #5 tip is no doubt:

  1. 5. To always eat healthy and balanced meals on a regular basis. If you’re eating junk foods and fatty meals aka high-carb fast foods, how will you be able to maintain your new growth of penis size there since you’re only putting junk crap (full of chemicals, preservations, etc) in your body?! Where would you get your nutrition from? So always choose to eat healthy meals at all costs!

If you don’t know, our body as a whole needs enough vitamins, amino acids, minerals, nutrients, etc to keep us alive and to keep going and functioning.

And a healthy and balanced diet will help you keep your sexual package in a healthy state at all times as well as your complete body and mind…

Yes, there are some foods that help to naturally increase testosterone levels, HGH, serotonin, dopamine, and other important hormones that are needed to keep us fully functioning 100% in a healthy state.


So there it is, the top 5 best tips that allow you to maintain your new growth gains of inches that you have achieved!

If either one of them is excluded from your daily basis, then you might be at risk to lose your gains in the future, and you sure don’t want that!

Now if you’re like me who does all 5 tips, then no worry, just continue living with a big healthy cock and having the best sexual lifestyle of all time!

(p.s. Since you have read up to here, there is an effective simple way that I do to maintain my sexual organ’s gains and that is by simply NOT wearing any underwear or anything that holds our penis and testicles together. Just LET IT HANG every day, every second since it’s stretched out, which will help maintain the growth….)

How To Stop Penis Enlargement Growth

Believe it or not, people do actually ask this kind of question!

And you do know that I’m here to share with you the most honest information and best details for you to become the ultimate alpha ‘stallion’ version that you wish to be…

So to ensure that your penis does not grow any bigger, larger, and thicker size, of course, you need to stop what you’re doing that is causing the growth!


I am sure you are aware of what is actually causing the penis to keep growing...

For example, if you’re using a penis enlargement pump or device, then you know you’re causing the growth even if you’re using it for harder erections only or to just straighten up your penis.

The same goes with a male enhancement treatment, and even though a pill or a spray alone won’t cause you any real growth of inches, it may help to accelerate the process of growth.

Yes, penile exercises as well if you’re doing them on a daily basis won’t help but keep growing your pecker there to a new size.

And here are a few tips that could help you stop the growth of your penis!

  • Maybe your body is producing high levels of testosterone or large amounts of HGH, then find out what foods or what is it that is causing your body to produce them.
  • Yes, Human Growth Hormone refers to HGH/GH does increase every single body part, including the penis, and testosterone does boost the overall sexual package.
  • To stop the growth, you can start wearing underwear where it will hold your pecker and balls together, which won’t be hanging there causing more length and heavier gains.

Not to mention, I can’t forget about the #1 top best natural exercise HD video program here that not only will help you enlarge your penis size as well as the growth of the testicle to make it heavier but also, how to grow the size of the penis head to make it look like a mushroom head.

And of course, they do show you exactly how to stop the growth and you can learn a lot of sexual techniques to maintain a healthy overall sexual function!


Yes, this program is the best penile exercise system that will show you step-by-step through high-quality HD videos for you to clearly see how to perform any exercise or technique the correct way! Plus the price is very low and will cost you just a few bucks. I can say that it is the far best self-investment, you would thank me later!

What was the best thing you learned that will change your sexual life forever? And if I missed anything that you may know, share it with me underneath in the comment box section! I really hope you got the idea of what you need to do to help you maintain your new growth of penis enlargement gains, but also how to stop the process as soon as you reach your desired size.

(2024) LEARN to Maintain Penis Enlargement Gains & How to Stop Growth – HERE


I'm JAY known as 'CAVALAO', the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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