Most men in today’s modern world wish to have been born with a larger sexual package or maybe to have a body part longer like bigger hands, a bigger penis, being taller, etc!

In fact, you don’t have to be born and gifted with a big penis size there because unlike ancient tribes, they make their own device to use on a regular basis and increase the size of basically any part of their body over time.

I say it “ancient” years ago, I’m talking about over 2,000 years ago!

Yes, there is proven and true evidence from many sources out there where several different tribe families use a unique method to stretch out and elongate a specific body part of theirs.

It could be their lips, ears, neck, female breasts, spine, or even their sexual male organ in men!

But a few of them do use a penis enlargement procedure where they can reach over 18″ inches long in penis size alone!

Now the funny part is that most of us men only want as little as 2-3″ inches long, right!?

However, there are some tribe families out there that are still using their stretching technique/s even in today’s date and age!

I mean, you could use something to elongate your penis there too! With you achieving a bigger penis size, would that change your life? Well, it did to me.

So I figured, let’s get to this point to share with you more details and show you some of these ancient elongating/enlargement procedures that some tribes use. It’s very interesting!

Just read below and see it yourself.

The MOST Popular Ancient Tribe’s Methods To Increase in Size

It is true that any body part of ours can reach a certain degree or size that seems unbelievable, and the only way you may believe that it is true is through real-life photos as I will be showing you below as well.

The first tribe families that I would like you to see are the Amazonian indigenous tribes and the African tribal people.

They have been seen and proven to use hand-made disks not only in their ears but inside of their lips as well to stretch out to an unbelievable size!


I’m talking about their lip could reach a point that it fits a baby’s head in between, and that’s a lot of elongating to a maximum degree as you can see in the photo of their stretching practices on their lip and earlobe!

Now the amazing neck lengthening is from tribes families in Burma and members of the New Hebrides, where they would wrap their necks in yards and yards of clot.

Over time, their neck becomes very long!

Just look at it here!

Very cool, huh!


Now it’s the fun part!

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, most of us men just want as little as 2-3″ inches long.

Now, you probably don’t even know what to really use that will truly enlarge your penis size by inches and give you proven results of new growth just like I how I’ve got over 2″ long.

And now imagine how many inches the tribespeople want for their satisfaction of reaching a maximum length for their own way of life or family’s tradition?

I mean, we’re looking at almost 20″ full inches in penis size!!

Wow, just see here!


Yes, that’s right! The members of the Shangaan tribe in southern Mozambique have been hanging serious weights on their male sexual organs for many years.

But not only them, but I have also found that the African Karamojong or “Caramoja” tribe from North Eastern Uganda uses circular stone disks to hang on their penis from an early age.

According to the sources that were found, by the time they reach their teenage years, they can carry up to 20 pounds of weight on their sexual pecker!

That’s a whole lot of weight, right…

In fact, by this time of their older ages, some of them may have actually reached a length of 18″ full inches long through the so many years of hanging weights down there!

Seems unbelievable to me…

But it’s purely true and proven evidence that they are not the only ones!

Many tribes in Africa, South America, and Asia, especially the Sadhu tribe in the Ganges Valley use a special technique to enlarge their dick size as well.


But does size really matter in today’s age? I talk all about it here in this post.

Keep reading!

But How Does a Body Part Cause Such Growth? I’ll Explain Here!

When we use an elongating device or a specific stretching method like how these tribes peoples use, over time that body part that has been stretched out for months or years on a daily basis will automatically become stretched out and basically stay that size of length.

In fact, one simple trick that I use on a regular basis is to NEVER ever wear any UNDERWEAR whatsoever for the past decade and for many years. Yes, NO UNDERWEARS at all.

And why is that you may be asking me?

Well, just like ancient tribes, by letting your sexual junk there hanging all the time through our daily basis, day in and day out, the penis will start to hang longer and feel heavier leading to new, easy, and slow gains of growth.

Yes, meaning no boxers at all or any type of underwear. Not even tight pants or shorts, but allow to give your sexual penis there some space to breathe and it will slowly lengthen it for you over time at zero cost.

Oh, I can’t forget to let you know that by doing that, your testicles will help you produce more amounts of natural testosterone levels in a completely natural way, which helps with penis size growth as well as better libido, more sexual arousal, plus more benefits.

So make sure to sleep naked too and you may wake up with a hardwood like I do every day. = Win-Win!

But there is a reason why this simple trick works and why many penis enlargement methods out there are effectively increasing penis size…

As you’re wearing a penis enlargement device, not only the skin of that specific body part but the cells in the tissues will start to stretch during the process, where the cells will multiply and form into new cells and basically cause many NEW multiplied tissues in that specific body’s organ tissues and that is what causes the new permanent growth to stay that way!


See my point here?

Perhaps, in today’s modern age, many male penis enlargement companies out there have been using similar elongating methods as the tribes to increase the size of our penises.

Yet, not all of them work!

Some of them are more intended to cause length growth or both, which I’m going to show you now what really works, and the one that I have been using for a quite time, where I went from 6″ long in penis size to over 8″1/2 in size growth reached just by using this penis enlargement system right here!

That’s right!


This Phallosan Forte is a penis enlargement device uses a belt and a suction vacuum ball to hold the penis and the belt will pull your penis to whatever force setting you choose.

And therefore, in 6 months alone of wearing it in the daily regimen, you can look forward to 2-3″ full inches as well!

And here’s a complete video for you to see how it truly works.

Now as you can clearly see, it is very easy to put it on and to wear it discreetly under our pants.

That way, nobody will see since it’s not those bulking-size devices out there… Plus the belt doesn’t allow it to release or slip off the penis while using it.

And that’s even if you get to the point of using a larger suction ball as I have finally got to!

I mean, I’m wearing it all day for 8 hours straight and I only take it off once to use the bathroom which takes me about 10 seconds to take it off and about 30 seconds to put it back on!

And here are the real photo proof results from a previous customer user who wore the same Phallosan Forte penis enlargement system for a little over 6 months on a daily basis.


YES, true results in just as little as 6 full months of daily usage, you can expect similar results of a few real inches of growth!

Now if you’re looking for more of just girth/thickness known as the wideness of our penis and fewer length gains, then you must check out the best penis pumps for you to achieve a thicker fuller penis size in just a few weeks.

Yet, you will only be able to grow your sexual manhood size there if you take action now and do something about it because the years will come by, and as we grow older, the penis may get smaller meaning over the years, the penis size may decrease if not used correctly by every week to create a hard erection and have sex or to function it properly.


Now if you’re looking to increase both sizes in length, girth, and also the size of your head (glans), along with the size of your testicles, then I urge you to click to view the #1 best top penis enlargement program here!

Yes, this Penis Professor program is an All-In-One penile exercise HD video system that will guide you and show you step-by-step on how to naturally increase your overall sexual package there.

Plus, it teaches you how to master sexual performance in bed for you to last longer than ever, achieve stronger and harder erections, plus more!

And I’m also talking about that it will teach and show you the best sexual technique especially the Kegel Exercises for you to able to have full control of your ejaculation

I mean, how does that sound to be able to last as long as you want in bed with your sexual mate?

And the results from the Penis Professor exercise HD program are here…


I hope you found this article interested in all about the tribes elongating methods and got knowledge on how the elongating and stretching techniques/systems work! Plus you learned how you will increase the size of your penis as well.

If you have any questions, concerns, or find anything unclear, feel completely free to type me a line of your thoughts below in the comment box underneath this review! It would be a pleasure to answer you.

(2023) How Ancient Tribes Uses Elongating / Stretching Techniques to Grow Bigger – SEE HERE!


I'm JAY, the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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