There are tons of benefits when you’re in nature as well as when you catch the sun for a couple of minutes, plus to listen to the birds singing, it’s really a blessing for all of us!

Not a lot of people have this privilege since a lot of them live in a noisy city full of population and pollution.

I personally love being in nature, I also love the sun very much and every day I try to be near nature for at least half an hour of my day!

When I am with Mother Nature, I am in awe of her beauty and majesty. – Anthony Douglas Williams


But the sunlight, I catch it every morning before I start my day since I walk/jog around the pool full of coconut trees around, it’s truly amazing!

When the birds start singing early in the morning, it’s a blessing that I’m right between them listening and smelling the fresh ambition air of early mornings.

Now if you don’t know, there are so many benefits/advantages that we all get around nature and the sunlight!

So I’m going to share with you below, continue reading to find out.

Why Nature?

Well, we are actually all part of nature and God/Universe made Mother Nature so she can take care of the trees, plants, etc for every being to live in harmony with fresh oxygen air.

If you don’t know, the rain forests on Earth are the lungs of the planet, especially the Amazonia one in South America!


Now imagine this world without nature, for example, Mars.

The trees are our lungs, the rivers are circulation, the air our breath, and the earth our body. – Deepak Chopra

I believe Earth is where we are all supposed to be, of course! But I see some of these billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos trying to get over to Mars and their goal is to actually have people visiting there in the future.

I’m guessing we may have people actually living there in a couple of decades… How cool does that sound?

But I’ll probably rather stay here on Earth around nature and I believe instead of focusing on living on other planets, why not invest in Earth itself and have more nature around us?

Imagine if people actually took very good care of the rainforest, jungles, the ocean, and all of Mother Nature, Earth would be a much better place, right!?


Save mother nature from destruction, it will save you from extinction… – S Roses S

To me, we are all living in paradise!

There is no doubt of that, just look around how amazing nature is, the sunshine, the birds, the beautiful trees, the plants, the flowers, infinity amounts of animals, fresh oxygen air to breathe, the ocean, lakes, rivers, etc this is truly the paradise to me!

Not to mention, Mother Nature has the power to heal everything!

A lot of people, in general, have no idea what they are missing out on by not choosing to be around nature, where they prefer living in a loud noisy city full of people, cars, and buildings causing you stress and anxiety due to traffic jam, pollution full of bad air, plus much more negative disadvantages.

I never lived in a high-population city and I don’t plan to ever live in one in my life!


Allow nature’s peace to flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. – John Muir

And this is why I choose to live in Brazil (my birthplace) because it’s a tropical country full of nature everywhere, nice sunshine, great wheater all year round and fresh air.

Not to mention, having a big farm full of cattle, horses, chickens, animals, and all that was always a goal of mine, especially to spend time there on the weekends.

So here are the benefits why you should be around nature all the time!

The Benefits/Advantages of Nature

As I mentioned above, the #1 best advantage/benefit when you are around Mother Nature is the healing process!


It heals you by;

  • Reducing stress & anxiety levels
  • Helps with decreasing depression
  • Enhances wellbeing – state of being
  • Raises serotonin levels for more joy
  • Helps reduce blood pressure
  • Increases general mental health
  • Helps you gain more attention/focus
  • Enhances productivity & creativity
  • Helps improve sensory stimulation
  • Fresh air for more oxygen into our body
  • Improves happiness & good feelings
  • Less noise for concentration & focus
  • Feel calmer than ever – balanced
  • No connection – Less EMF energy
  • Boosts cognitive functioning
  • Helps soothe ADHD in people
  • Nature enhances social interaction
  • Reduces risks of chronic illnesses
  • Helps us sleep better at night
  • Improves healthy eyes & others
  • Increases physical activity
  • Reduces anger/aggressiveness
  • Immunity booster + many other benefits

Our very being, essence, health, and happiness depend on mother earth. – David Suzuki


Do I need to say anything more than that?

Keep reading!

What Are the Benefits of Sunlight?

You probably have no idea how important it is to catch some sunlight on a daily basis!

By staying under the sun will not only help improve overall health but also improve our lives as well.


To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. – David Viscott

Now I like to stay under the morning sunlight for a couple of minutes in the am, but I also gaze at the sun for 1 second ONLY and then close my eyes for 2 seconds and do many reps which what this does is activate my pineal gland known as the third-eye for numerous benefits.

So here are some of the advantages when you let the sun hit you for just 45 minutes per day, which is all we need!

These benefits are;

  • Increases Vitamin D3, Calcium absorption
  • Helps to increase our height growth
  • Supports healthy bones, joints & skeleton
  • Reduces the risk of osteoporosis
  • Increases lifespan to live longer
  • Improves the quality of sleep
  • Boosts up the immune system & metabolism
  • Reduces heart diseases + reduces blood pressure
  • Helps improve brain function & mood
  • Rejuvenates aging eyes (eyesight)
  • Gives relief to pains & heals skin disorders
  • Reduces the risk of cancer if not too much sun
  • Increases melatonin & serotonin
  • Boosts up energy levels, performance
  • Eases mild depression, well-being, positivity
  • Improves overall body & mind + plus much more!

The sun is part of nature… If there were no sun, there would be no nature, no animals, and not even human beings would be alive. Unless you’re an “alien or vampire” if they even exist… Huh

Let the sun shine on your soul.

So the next time you see or feel some sunshine hitting around you, don’t run from it or hide because you’ll be missing out big time!

Especially when walking in nature while getting some sun x-ray is very good for us.


Take a quiet walk with Mother Nature, it will nurture your mind, body, and soul. – Anthony Douglas Williams

Now don’t get me wrong, too much of anything is no good, correct!?

Therefore, all we need is 30-45 minutes of sun x-ray per day! And if you don’t know, 30 minutes of being under the sun = 500iu of Vitamin D3, and that means 1 hour of sunshine = 1,000iu of Vitamin D3.

But don’t stay under the sun for more than 2-3 hours at max per day for complete health benefits!

Turn your face towards the sun and the shadows fall behind you.

Final Summary of Being in Nature & Under Sunshine = Being in Harmony

Who doesn’t love being in harmony with themselves, with their own health, or with life itself?

Everyone, I guess!

So basically, just make sure not to miss the opportunities to be in nature and especially to catch some sunlight for at least 45 minutes per day.

The sun gives energy to everything in this world, and nature gives peace to all as well!

Always rise like a sun, and always wake like nature. – Karan Tripathi Avichal


Also, hearing the birds singing is great for our mental mindset

The earth has music for those who listen.

So appreciate all of the things in this paradise called Earth and enjoy the moments, be grateful all the time, and always be joyful with a heart full of love.

Remember what I said that I love exercising under the sun while glazing directly at it for 1 second only, then close my eyes for 2 seconds and do it again to awaken my third eye.

I also love meditating in nature with some binaural beats frequency music in the background. You know, a lot of people think that we only need to exercise our physical body, but the mind and our sexuality are just as important as our body!

But to really be completely healthy, I recommend you exercise all 3 on a daily basis!

And if you feel like you’re lacking energy levels to exercise your body on a daily basis, why not try a natural, effective, and safe preworkout like these ones here!

In fact, even if you’re like me who is sensitive to caffeine, there is a stimulant-free preworkout that works very well to boost up your performance levels at the gym or if you like exercising around nature as I do would work incredible.


Other than that, imagine you with a body like the alpha male above and imagine you taking off your shirt under the sun and in nature, how would you feel? I’m sure you would love it as well. That is why you need a high-quality preworkout supplement!

Are you a nature person or do you really like to be in a noisy crowd city? Either one, leave your thoughts at the bottom of this page as I will get back to you within 24 hours or so!

(2024) Why Being in Nature + Sunlight + Birds = Being in Harmony With One’s Self


I'm JAY known as 'CAVALAO', the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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