You know, if you’re not targeting excellence (excellent service) and aiming to be and do your best, then you’re doing it all wrong!

I mean, the reason why winners and successful people always reach the top level is that they focus on winning while losers focus on winners.

See the difference?

Now one thing I know for certain is that excellence is what will contribute to success and the results we want!

If you’re able to ONLY focus on winning and are actually doing your all-time best in whatever you’re doing, then you can rest assured that the results will come sooner or later, and it must come at all costs.

So in this complete post, I’m going to share with you the importance of why you must strive for excellence because if you don’t, you’re not on the right track! Find out more below.

What Is Excellence?

Excellence simply means the highest degree of a skill or the highest outstanding attitude providing superior quality in something you do.

It is when you’re capable of doing your all-time best to produce high-quality work or if you get really good at what you do.

Now it doesn’t matter if it’s in a sport, hobby, business, or whatever!

Success is about having. Excellence is about being. – Mike Ditka

I personally do aim every day to be better than I was yesterday and one of my favorite quotes states that; if you get better by just 1% every day, that’s 365% of improvements by the end of the year.


So as we can see, striving to be the greatest by aiming for excellence is extremely powerful!

What it does is bring glory and the Universe/God’s grace will always come to those who do the best in everything they do.

Excellence could also be a talent that you surpass the good standards to be great and if you don’t know, life rewards those who are great, not just good at it.

And if you take a look at the most successful people in the world, you’ll notice that the top-level folks are extremely amazing at what they do and for that reason, they are well-known as the G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) all over the globe!

Chase excellence and success will follow. – Senora Roy

Therefore, if excellence is not your goal, then it will be hard to get to the throne king chair in whatever you do.

Keep reading!

How to Strive for Excellence?

There are several factors on how to be an excellent individual in all that you do!

But the main principle key here is to create a habit by repeating what you do on a daily basis to get better by the day, practice day in and day out, and that is the only way to strive for excellence.

The better you get, the more likely you’ll be an excellent person in what you do!


Now the several factors that will help you are such as;

  • Mindset – You first have to believe in yourself
  • Passion – Love what you do will help you big time
  • Purpose – If it’s a purpose, you’re on the right track
  • Service – Provide the top-quality work service
  • Flexibility – If something is not working, change it
  • Innovation – Evolve by creating innovation helps a lot
  • Satisfaction – You have to be satisfied by the day
  • Leadership – Leaders are known to aim for excellence
  • Integrity – Not only be honest with others but with yourself first
  • Confidence – You need certainly and know that you can
  • Efficiently – Always strive to be productive, not busy
  • Quality – This is the far most important factor in excellence
  • Reliability – Trustworthy is also part of excellence
  • Learning – The more you learn, the more you earn
  • Persistence – Quitting should never be an option
  • Ownership – You need to take 100% responsibility
  • Constancy – You have to keep doing what you do
  • Patience – Yes, sometimes things do take time
  • Commitment – You have to commit 100% to your service

As you can see, these factors will lead you to produce excellent work all the way and you’ll achieve greatness in all that you do!

But if you lack any of these, it will be hard to strive for excellence since all of them do count based on my own experiences, knowledge, and wisdom.

Excellence is not being the best; it is doing your best.

However, all you have to do is step out of your comfort zone and take action but make sure you’re confidently doing your all-time best and you can rest assured that success will come along.

Why Excellence Is the Cause of Success, Not Perfection?

You know, a lot of people confuse excellence with perfection!

Which perfection is totally different from excellent since when you’re trying to be perfect, you’re basically trying not to do any mistakes but someone who aims for excellence knows that mistakes are part of the game that makes them achieve greatness and might actually become “perfect” in what they do.

Therefore, focusing on perfection will make it much harder to create success while excellence on the other side will allow you to become a successful person.


So the reason why excellence is the cause of success is that your effort to keep practicing on a regular basis to do quality work make you feel confident which you feel great in what you do and you’re more likely to surpass any obstacles, challenges, and setbacks that are trying to hold you back.

You will be able to gain the skills and learn from what you’re constantly doing on a regular basis to make progress that will make you go further in life and reach the successful path that you need to go on.

But again, if you’re trying to be a perfectionist without making any mistakes, I don’t even think that’s possible since from what I know, success is a roller coaster going up and down filled with failures which perfection to me would be to only go up and never fail, but that’s never the case.

I mean, most people think that perfection is the cause of success but the ones that know this are 100% aware that perfection is not it…

Striving for excellence motivates you. Striving for perfection is demoralizing. – Harriet Braiker

So to me and what I have to say is that you just have to focus to provide excellent quality service every single day and I can guarantee you that the results you want will come no matter what since it just has to by the law of the universe called the Law of Attraction.

Yes, it basically works like this; if you give good, good will come back to you. You give bad, bad will come back to you harder!

It’s just like sex, when you start having sexual intercourse with your sex mate, you should strive for excellent and great sex all the time regardless of anything.

That way, not only you’ll feel highly satisfied but your sexual partner will be impressed and feel the full satisfaction that you give to them by your own performance.

Now I am aware that a lot of men can’t have any excellent sex due to the fact that they release their load within less than 2 minutes which you’re most likely suffering from premature ejaculation issues.

Yet, you’re not the only one since millions of men out there are also suffering from this same condition. However, when you click here, you can use a prolonged sex delay spray that you would apply to the penis to allow you to last longer than ever.


Yes, you can finally delay your orgasms with this best natural male enhancement spray to let you have full control of your ejaculation and that way, last as long as you want in sex. How does that sound?

Are you really striving for excellence on a regular basis? If not, why is that? And after this complete post, will this help you aim to produce excellent work? Don’t leave without dropping me your comment in the box underneath!

(2024) Why Should You Aim For Excellence at All Costs – Excellence = Greatness – FIND OUT HERE!


I'm JAY known as 'CAVALAO', the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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