Faith is trusting yourself, trusting the Universe/God/Higher-self or whatever you want to call it.

To me, faith is basically believing with certainty and expecting it to happen without any doubt whatsoever!

Now, not a lot of people are confident enough to have that 100% certainly/faith that what they want is going to happen in regards to anything.

But when you learn to trust yourself and the Universe, your confidence will fly up the roof.

However, I’m not talking about trusting people, which you shouldn’t but ONLY act like you trust them!

I personally have had some trust issues back in the day after my so-called “best friend” did an incredible plan to actually steal thousands of money from me, including my pickup truck which was around $200k total.

Yet, a few years ago, I started sending him ONLY love, forgiveness, gratitude, and all of the elevated emotions towards him, and since everything is energy, he ended up selling his home and car to pay me back, and he sure did!

I’m a good enough to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again.


But after that, I finally got back to trusting again, but ONLY trusting myself and the Universe, not people.

So today, I’m going to share with you some of my knowledge, experience, and wisdom in my own way, which yours could be different or maybe you may not actually agree with me, but that’s okay!

Read on so you can learn how to trust, have faith and hope as you should!

What Is Trust, Faith & Hope?

To me, all three; trust, faith, and hope work together!

You can’t have faith without trust and hope, and you can’t trust without having faith or hoping for the best… But trusting is to have confidence and faith is to have certainty but hope is to expect which all three together makes it a belief.

Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation. – D. Elton Trueblood

Now it is true that trust could take time like years to build and seconds to break if you allow it, and if you let it, it could take forever to repair if it even does…


Trusting you is my decision. Proving me right is your choice.

But faith and hope, it does not take time like years and you can choose to believe and have faith right now in the present moment in whatever you want and hope for the best exactly now.

And if you want examples of what faith, trust, and hope really are, here are three stories;

  • Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer, all people gathered but ONLY ONE came with an umbrella. => that’s FAITH
  • When you throw a one-year-old in the air, he laughs because he knows his father will catch him. => that’s TRUST
  • Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to wake up alive the next morning, but still we set an alarm for tomorrow. => that’s HOPE

Can you see the difference?

Now as I mentioned above, you don’t have to wait a certain time frame to have trust, faith, or hope!

No, not at all…

Most people are waiting for things to happen first, then to trust and have faith, but guess what?

The things you’re waiting to happen will never happen.

Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase. – Martin Luther King Jr


That is because you first have to have complete trust and full faith of certainty and hope by expecting it to come, then you’ll attract what you want and make it happen through manifestation.

And I’m going to show you how to trust and how to have faith, plus how to actually hope through my ways, which you’ll need in order to manifest all the things you want!

Keep reading!

How To Trust?

In order for you to have trust, you basically have to let go of the attachment to whatever you’re trying to trust because if you’re attached to it, you’re not trusting at all…

You need to have full confidence which means confirming in your own self, but let go of the attachment and don’t let the ego take place.

Trust your instictcs. Intuition doesn’t lie. – Oprah Winfrey


And you gain confidence by being honest/integrity with your own self. Cocky which is the opposite of confidence is basically an exaggeration of thinking too highly of yourself in a conceited or arrogant way which is your ego’s function.

Based on my own experience, you should trust yourself and the Universe, but with people, you should only act like you trust them, which includes friends, colleagues, and family members.

Listening to your ego brings your vibration down. Listening to your higher self brings your vibration up.

Not to mention, usually, it is the closest people in our lives that do us wrong and break our trust…

Just because it is a family member or a so-called “best friend” from early childhood, doesn’t mean they won’t do you wrong.

I have been there before!


Trust is a dangerous game.

So to protect yourself, you must have confidence in yourself by trusting yourself and the Universe/God/Higher Source, but not people.

Follow down!

How to Have Faith?

Faith is actually to believe with certainly!

And the only way you’ll gain a very high faith is through trusting it first.

So when you get to the point that you can trust yourself and the Universe, that is when you’ll have that unbreakable faith that you need.

Faith is unseen but felt, faith is strength when we feel we have none, faith is hope when all seems lost. – Catherine Pulsifer


Now the world’s population was programmed that something needs to happen first, then have faith second.

But only a very few percentages of the population know that it doesn’t work like that!

I know that we first need to have faith, then something will happen, and it does, according to the Law of Attraction.

And the stronger your belief in something is, the faster you can achieve it regardless of what it is!

Faith it’s all about believing, you don’t know how it will happen, but you know it will.

I have manifested a lot of things in my life, in all types of areas like in business/investments, material stuffs, goals, lottery jackpots, etc, and they were all based on my beliefs and strong faith of certainly plus hoping it to come through expectation and trusting the process.


So the faith that you need to have is 100% certain that what you want is happening now or has already happened in the present moment.

That’s the type of faith you need in order to get all things in life!

Keep the faith, hold on. Things will get better. It be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever.

Follow down.

How to Have Hope?

Hope is basically to expect it!

Yes, you must expect ONLY the things that you want in life!

But you have to watch out because too much expectation could lead to resistance and attachment, where if you put an attachment to what you want, it sure will take much longer to achieve it regardless of anything.

And that’s if you even achieve it!

Once you choose hope, anything’s possible. – Christopher Reeve


Now don’t ever hope for something bad to happen to anyone, and that could even be your worst enemy because whatever you’re hoping for, it will come back to you many times stronger.

So do like me and only send out love, gratitude, forgiveness, hope for the best and for things to get better in all of the people’s lives, even those that dislike me or the ones who did me wrong in the past.

That way, whatever energy you’re sending out, it must come back to you multiplied as well!

Never lose HOPE! Tomorrow could be the day you’ve been waiting for.

So do that and expect by hoping only good things to all and everyone.

Final Summary of Trust, Faith & Hope!

There you go!

You now know what each one means even though they are very similar to each other but different in their own way.

My way is; first you trust (confident), then you have faith (certainly) since you can’t have faith without trust, and to hope (expect) comes last, and guess what?

That is the secret to attracting whatever you want in this physical life!

Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe


Just REMEMBER not to trust people so much that you give them your power but ONLY act like you trust them, and that way, you will never be surprised and disappointed by their own actions!

I’m telling you, it doesn’t matter how many years have gone by, someone could change the right second you turn your back towards them and backfire you instantly, and you will be very disappointed based on my own experience.

Be careful who you trust. The devil was once an angel.

And this could even be with your spouse!

Everything may be going well right now, but tomorrow you don’t know what their actions could be.

I’m just trying to teach you by helping you and for you to protect yourself at all costs!

I’m not here to be negative in any way at all, but in order to protect ourselves, we need to be aware and we must look out for our own selves.


You know, friends, family members, and certain people are good to have in our lives, but not all of them and this is where I encourage you to watch out who you trust, who to keep in your life and those that you need to remove out of your circle regardless of who they are.

Last, you probably don’t know but it is super important to be alone for at least a few hours of your day!

That is because when you’re alone in a quiet place and it is easier to active your pineal gland known as awakening your third-eye, and therefore, it allows you to listen and see what your Higher-Self is trying to show you about certain people and situations through vibrational energy which is there to guide you to the right path and protect you.

Faith isn’t blind. It’s visionary. – Marianne Williamson

Not to mention, one thing that I use on a daily basis is a pheromone cologne and what it does is allow people to trust us more than ever. It gives the person around us a smooth, comfortable, and trusting energy when wearing one. Check them out here, you won’t regret it!


And therefore, pheromones are perfect to attract others into our lives as well as to socialize better when applying a few sprays or oil-based formulas are also effective for all types of attraction!

Since you’ve read all the way up to here, write to me below! I would like to know what are your ways to have trust, faith, and hope? Maybe I can learn from you as well.

(2024) How to Trust Yourself & How to Have Unbreakable Faith & Hope – ONLY HERE!


I'm JAY known as 'CAVALAO', the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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