A lot of people in today’s date and age are going to sleep after midnight and waking up very late every single day.

If this is you, you probably have no idea what you’re missing out on because waking up early is part of all life successes!

It is very important to wake up determined (accelerated, motivated, ready) and the only way is by waking up very early.

I have been there before, there was a time that I used to wake up around 9-11 am, which I usually went to bed around 3 am as well!

Now, rapper Wiz Khalifa said; “I used to think going to sleep late was cool, until I realized waking up early is the real boss shit.”


Another very popular quote by Benjamin Franklin that I really like states;

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. – Benjamin Franklin

Therefore, now you can imagine how much it is important to wake up early!

Wealthy people have this #1 rule that all of them follow and made it a habit because they know that it’s part of their successes, which yes, they are all most likely early risers.

So let me share with you all the advantages and benefits and maybe you can start making a habit as well because if you’re not, then you’re missing out big time and I’m going to explain why!

Let’s get going and follow down!

All About Waking Up Early

Here’s a little background of my story!

Back in the day, I’m talking about over 10 years ago, I had this habit to stay up all night long and waking up around 10 am or later.

I really thought it was “cool” as well and also thought that I had some advantages which are the opposite.

Early sleep and early rise gives health and makes you grow. The world belongs to the energetic.

Yet, at this time, I was dealing with depression and I had no idea that by me waking up late, it was actually making my depression worse.

And it really does and here’s why!

Have you noticed that when you wake up around 8-11 am or later, you feel way more tired and actually feel lazy, exhausted, and just feel bad emotions?

It happens to me a lot!

If you don’t know, our bodies have their natural peak of cortisol hormone around 7-9 am, which if we’re not awake around this time, our bodies produce more of this stress hormone, and therefore, it makes you feel totally unproductive, depressed, and bad emotion.

So when I found this out, I changed and started to wake up earlier at 5 am.

However, at first, I would simply click the snooze button of my alarm clock near my bed all the time but I would then go back to sleep for a couple of minutes if not for hours or more, and therefore, the same bad feelings would happen to me!


That’s why you need to get up as soon as you notice you’re awake at all costs because what our body automatically does is cut the production of cortisol when you get up.

When our body cuts the cortisol hormone to stop its production, it’s basically letting your body know that you’re fully awake.

But when you keep snoozing the alarm clock and going back to sleep, your body will start to allow you to reproduce the cortisol hormone again, and therefore, you wake up feeling lazy!

So that is why it is so important for you to wake up early and get out of bed as soon as you wake up!

Early rising not only gives us more life in the same number of years, but adds, likewise, to their number; and not only enables us to enjoy more of existence in the same time, but increases also the measure. – Charles Caleb Colton

Now waking up real early has a huge advantage which in the early part of the day is actually best for us to resolve whatever we need to do since, at this time, most people are sleeping or doing nothing at all, but you have woken up, you’re all ready for action!.

Not to mention, the day seems bigger and therefore, you have enough time to get all things done!


But then I started to do something different and what I would do is put my phone or alarm clock across my house, or better yet, put my phone (alarm clock) in the bathroom, and as soon as it rings at 5 am, I automatically get up and jump out of bed and head straight to the bathroom to turn it off.

And since I’m right there near the sink, I automatically go and wash my face and start brushing my teeth.

Then I start meditating for 15-20 minutes to open my third eye, stretch for 10 minutes, and then I grab some exercise clothes and I’m out to do some cardio for about 40 minutes on empty stomach (fasting), and on my last 20 minutes right before 7 am, I do some pushups, squats, and abs workout under the sunlight.

After cardio/exercises, I go take a really cold shower, and then, I eat a healthy breakfast meal unless I’m fasting, but no coffee, just milk, and here’s why in this post!

After that, my full day becomes more active, motivated, and more productive than ever! Not to mention, feeling a huge sense of satisfaction from doing what I just showed you above.

I’m a very early riser, and I don’t like to miss that beautiful early morning light. – David Hockney


When you do cardio or a physical activity early in the morning, it basically tells your body that you just have accomplished a big task for the day. And that way, you feel proud of yourself and therefore, it leads to motivation and makes you way more productive since you have done a major task of your day, and that will allow you to get more things done.

See my point here?

Do that as well, and you’ll see how much these habits will change your life completely! You will become more successful in all areas of your life! You’ll become happier as well, plus you’ll gain well-being benefits and overall health improvements.

Wake up early; it is great to live the mornings. – Mehmet Murat Ildan

The Real Benefits/Advantages of Waking Up Really Early in the AM

When you start waking up early, I’m talking about no later than 6 am, you’ll notice a lot of big changes in your daily routine which will tremendously make a huge impact on your life.

I’m telling you, this is the secret of all wealthy, rich, and successful people!


The first step to win yourself is wake up early. – Sukant Ratnakar

One of the greatest things is to see the early sunrise at the beginning of the day! I personally love the smell of fresh ambition air in the morning, it feels so good to me!

I mean, it’s truly a blessing to wake up early because think about it, how many people out there haven’t woken up today…

It is said that the mortality rate per day is roughly 150,000 people, which includes many of them that didn’t wake up at all.


The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. – Paul Valery

So right there, feel truly blessed that you woke up today!

So here are the real benefits/advantages of waking up early no later than 6 am;

  • You get more time to do more things and be ahead of competitors
  • You’re likely to be way more productive and have more progress
  • Mental health becomes healthier, creativity and wiser
  • Waking up early reduces stress (cortisol hormone)
  • Allows you to have more time to exercise in the morning
  • Get to enjoy seeing the early sunrise light = a blessing
  • It is much quieter since most people are sleeping
  • Waking up early promotes better sleeping quality
  • Gives you a feeling of satisfaction, happier, and optimistic
  • By being an early riser, you’re less likely to feel depressed
  • Makes it easier to fall asleep at night since the day becomes longer
  • Allows you to wake up feeling much more refreshed/recovered
  • Helps you build willpower since getting out of bed early is hard
  • Early risers are less likely to develop mental health problems

I try my hardest every day, and I find when I go to bed early and wake up early, I feel the most productive. – Jessica Alba

Now there you go!

Look at these blessing benefits and truly advantages that we all get from the simple thing of waking up early at 5 am.

After I had found all of this out over 10 years ago and started to be up very early, that’s when my life started changing because the secret to life success is what we do in our daily routine.

So the more time we have, the more things we can get done!

Early risers are gainers as they see the universe more then those who rise late. – Rajesh Singh Nayal


Early Risers Bottom Line Summary

Now you see how super important it is to be an early riser!

Yet, we all know that it’s not as easy as it sounds, but if you be 100% committed to waking up early for at least 21 days, it becomes a daily habit which that will be much easier to wake up early every single day of your life.

The more days you wake up early, the easier and better it gets!

PRO TIP: Get up in the morning immediately. Don’t lay in bed and look at social media. Move. Eat some fruit, workout or meditate. This will help you increase your productivity and have more energy throughout the day. Start your days better.


But here’s the tricky part! You have to go to sleep early. You can’t go to sleep at 2-3 am and expect to wake up at 5-6 am and feel refreshed…

It just won’t happen!

We all need our 6-8 hours of sleep! I usually go to sleep around 10:30 pm but no later than 11 pm because our body at around 10:30 pm has another hormone peak which if you’re sleeping at this time, that’s great!

It makes you healthy to go to bed before 10:30 pm and wake up before 6 am!

So do it as well!

But do like me, and before you go to bed, leave your phone/alarm clock in the bathroom or even across your house for the first days so when you wake up to snooze it or turn it off, you’re nearby the sink and therefore, you’re more likely to just wash your face and start your day rather than heading back to bed.


He who wakes up early in the morning receives a bundle of blessings. – Unknown

However, you have to make a commitment to yourself because if you don’t, you may try to go back to bed even after you walked across the room!

But just get up and go wash your face immediately and that way you won’t have a problem based on my own experience. I mean, you won’t believe how much your life will change with this simple advice!

Yet, I highly recommend you do meditation and some type of physical activity right after you brushed your teeth because you’ll be on empty stomach (fasting) to crush more calories and when you do cardio for 40 minutes first thing in the morning, it really does gives us a feeling of proudness by accomplishing this major task of the day.

Then you take a really cold shower which will motivate you so much more that your day will be very productive and you’ll be more likely to get things done!

I do this every day and it literally has changed my life completely


Climbing the mountains is always more fun than sitting at the top. It’s just that you have to find different mountains to climb. – Dan Bilzerian

Therefore, by being an early riser, you’ll be healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Just remember, it is what we do on a daily basis that leads to either success or no success at all.

You know, if you feel like you don’t have enough motivation or energy fuel to wake up early or to do some physical exercises, I urge you to check out the top best preworkout supplements here!

What it does is it will give you a huge boost to push yourself by helping you produce lots of natural energy to get what you need to get things done with a high-quality pre-workout.

Plus you will improve your physical body along with your overall health.


Not to mention, there is actually a stimulant-free preworkout supplement here as well and that is if you’re sensitive to caffeine just like me and so. It works as much as the others.

Make sure to leave your comments below to help us serve you better! I would love to know if you have been waking up early in the morning and how much has your life changed since then? If not, tell me the reasons as well.

(2024) Why You MUST Wake Up Early Every Day for Success – Habit of Wealthy People


I'm JAY known as 'CAVALAO', the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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