Being a blissful person is not only important to attract all that you want, but is also extremely healthy, wellbeing, and an extraordinary self!

One of my personal goals every day is to actually feel and be blissful all day on a daily basis.

Now some people have different ways to feel it but I like to take the easiest and simplest ways to actually be blissful.

And when you’re living this type of lifestyle, everything that you want will come to you because you will feel completely whole, fulfilled, and blessed!

Which this is where the true powers lie in!

That is because you may already feel like everything that you want has already happened since you’re way above happiness.

Can you see what I’m saying here?


When you’re in a blissful state of being, your whole body reacts to being the most joyful person ever and that means you send out the signals to the Universe/life that you have all that you want regardless if you don’t.

I mean that’s what the Universe understands through the frequency of our heart being so fulfilled!

So keep reading and I’ll show you my simplest ways for you to feel and be blissful all day long.

What Does the Word ‘Blissful’ Mean?

A lot of people may not know exactly what it means to feel and be blissful

And this is basically when you’re way above happiness like extremely joyful as if it was some type of ecstasy emotion and this is without a condition or a reason.


However, most of the world’s population are looking for things outside of them to actually be happy and feel joy, and this is where they all get it wrong!

The moment you’re looking at the outside events to make you feel a certain way, you’re basically separated from Oneself and you’re actually living in the survival mode known as the victim of circumstances.

And that’s definitely not the way to go at all!

That is because the moment you lose that event, circumstance, situation, person, or whatever it is that is causing you to feel a certain way, you lose yourself completely.

You will no longer be happy at all, and this could take years for you to heal yourself depending on each individual!

So why not find happiness within you, feel joyful inside of you, and be automatically blissful to live the best life that you deserve?

I mean, don’t you want that? I’m sure you do, who doesn’t want to be extremely happy?

So that’s basically the very first step!

You must feel and find happiness, joyfulness, and blissfulness inside of you first, then you can be blissful for all the things and people in your life.


That’s what I do, and that also means, no one can leave me feeling the opposite since I am the ONLY one who controls my one self’s happiness.

Do you understand what I’m trying to say here?

So here are some of the important principles for you to feel and be blissful all day, every day in your life forever!


Other than what I said above about looking inside of you first, this is actually the main key/principle to living a blissful life at all costs!

And this is extremely powerful that not a lot of people can actually do since they choose NOT to…

Yes, I’m talking about you have to really forgive yourself for all of your past experiences because if it wasn’t for your past events, you probably would not even be here right now reading this…

Maybe you would’ve not been alive, and maybe you wouldn’t have learned the lessons that made you see life differently today!


This is very important to forgive yourself for all that has happened or is happening now!

This also means that even if you have done someone wrong, forgive yourself fully now! If you have caused yourself a disease, forgive yourself 100%! Whatever it is, you can choose to forgive yourself now, exactly right now.

And what about others who did you wrong?

Forgive them as well! Trust me, if I were to tell you my past, you would probably want to forgive everyone right now as well!

I had a few so-called “best friends” and all of them did me wrong which one of them managed to do a great plan where he was able to steal my pick-up truck that I had invested so much money to make it look like how I wanted since I was going to keep it forever, plus he stole money and everything worth around $200k of cash.

That’s right, but there is much more to that. He wanted to take my life away at the time and I wasn’t even aware of it at all…

Therefore, I was already very depressed at this time and it made me even more depressed like really ill at the time since I was left out with zero!

But the moment I learned to forgive him and all that he has done to me, and actually found out all about the Ho’oponoponon self-healing prayer/practice, that is when things started to change in my life.


A few years went by and since I was only sending him love and forgiveness, he ended up selling all that he had and actually went after me to pay me fully and I’m very fortunate that he did!

So as you can clearly see, I did have a rough past and the moment I forgave him and every other person in my life, including myself for not being aware of it, that is when everything shifted to a whole another level.

Now, just so you know, without forgiveness, you can’t feel blissful at all because you’re basically holding a grudge or a negative emotion that the only way to let that go is through forgiveness.

And if you don’t forgive all, everyone and yourself, your body will be in negative mode functioning by the stress hormones and this could go on for years, and guess what?

You’ll be on your way to causing negative bad side effects like illness/disease in your body because in a blissful body, negative energy can not exist at all.


Yes, you MUST have a grateful heart at all costs!

You can actually feel gratitude right now for all the things that you have and for the things that are yet to come to you…


Matter of fact, if you think you “can’t” find something to be grateful for, then look at your life, look at your body, and look at your family and friends!

It is not just materialist things to be grateful for, but most importantly, your life and to be alive right now is a gift and a privilege that we all should be grateful for and feel complete gratitude for.

Just so you know, a lot of people worldwide did not wake up today and lost their lives, but you and I did since you’re reading this!

So right now, simply say ‘thank you for my life’ and actually feel it!

Yes, you have to actually feel gratitude and not just say it because you can basically say anything without truly feeling it and if you don’t feel it, it won’t work and that way, you won’t feel blissful at all.

And here’s what I do!


As soon as I wake up and open my eyes, I say ‘thank you for my life, thank you for this beautiful day, thank you for all that I am, thank you for this, thank you for that, etc‘ and I feel it.

Then I grab my gratitude journal and write the 3 most important things that I am truly grateful for!

And after that, my complete self shifts to gratitude frequency which is the receiving mode as well, and on a daily basis, I am constantly saying ‘thank you’ for basically everything and feeling gratitude all day!

So that’s the second key/principle on how to feel and be blissful.


Now, this is the third main principle to feel and be blissful, which is to love basically every single thing which includes yourself most importantly, and all the people regardless if they are your enemies or not.

However, as I just mentioned in the beginning, yes you really have to truly love yourself first at all costs before you start loving someone else.


We all see it all the time where people are loving others like their spouse, kids, friends, or whoever more than they love themselves!

And that’s very bad because you’re the only one who you’re stuck with for lifetime until death…

That means that moment that certain person goes away, you’re left out with a heartbroken and that will lead to feeling extremely negative emotions!

Trust me, I have been there before!

There was a time in my life that I loved my ex-girlfriend so much that after we broke up, I thought that suicide was the only option to get rid of the heartbroken pain that was causing inside of me… It was terrible!

And that is when I started noticing that I had to love myself first 100% before I love anyone else.


And when I started focusing on loving me, loving who I am, loving my body, loving my life, and all in terms of me, I was never left off with a heartbroken anymore regardless of how long my relationship lasted.

Not to mention, I had several other girlfriends that I actually loved a lot, but since I loved myself first, when we broke, it didn’t really hurt me at all!

So yes, love yourself first, then you should love everyone else and everything in your life including your enemies because what your enemies did to you is based on who they are, but the love you have for all including them is who you are.

Can you see the difference here?

Keep reading!


Kindness is actually what we all should aim for!

God who is the True Supreme Power also known as the Universe or whatever you want to call it made us have compassion for others with a heart full of love.

That includes being kind to everyone and all!


That means, start looking for ways to give back like a compliment, opening doors for others, showing more compassion, giving more love, showing more gratitude, and forgiving all, and everything that is good to each other!

Trust me, your life will change a lot...

You know, not a lot of people are truly kind, and those cold-hearted folks out there are not happy with themselves or have a happy life at all and they probably won’t even live a long life.

Also, when I mention giving back, this can also include giving money out to donations, charities, and all that, which is what aim to do.

And if you do that, the Universe/God/Higher Supreme Power will only give us more and more back in multiple ways!

But you don’t have to give a lot at all, just $10 bucks is enough for you to feel a heart full of compassion for others, or as I mentioned above, you can give back in other forms too!

However, I talk about it all here in this post about how you have to be aware of people trying to take advantage of you because takers have no limits at all.

And another thing is that you should ONLY give by how much you can and how much will make you feel good without feelings of lack!


Me, when I see an opportunity that I can truly be kinder, more compassionate than I already am, and empathetic to someone around me like a stranger, I surely will most likely give them a hand to help them out and I do this all the time.

Why not? You know, we have nothing to lose!


Now my fifth most powerful way to feel blissful and actually be blissful and live a blissful life is to be in peace with our own self, and of course, smile more often and laugh all the time!

However, you literally have to be a calm/relaxed person, and the only way is through meditation on a daily basis.


Moreover, until a couple of months ago, I was actually feeling so blissful by doing what I just showed you above, plus I would always smile and be in peace with myself, but I noticed that I was missing something big in my life.

And that is to laugh more often!

Can you believe that the moment I started looking forward to laughing more, I started to feel way more blissfulness in my life?

Also, did you know that laughing is actually the highest vibrational frequency that we all emit?

Yes, that is because when we laugh, we actually feel all the elevated emotions such as love, gratitude, peace, joy, happiness, positivity, and all others as well!


I mean, who doesn’t love to actually laugh?

It’s amazing to laugh at whatever it is…

And of course, you will actually be in peace with yourself more than ever when you follow what I just showed you in this complete post!

Smile more often and laugh at anything throughout your day and you’ll see how much your life will start changing!


Just so you know, everything in this life is a choice and it is your 100% responsibility to choose what you want, how to live your life, and all that is!

You can actually act as if you’re already blissful and feel all the elevated emotions right now without a reason or a condition and you should because that is what we all came here to do and be.

We didn’t come to life to feel depressed, anxious, worried, or to have all those negative emotions, not at all!


We are here to enjoy our lives as much as we can, to live life to the fullest, and be our own best regardless of whatever.

But not a lot of people have the courage to do all of this which that means, they are living in that survival mode also knowns as a “victim” of their own life itself.

They are waiting for things to happen in the outside world first to make them feel a certain way, and again, that is the worst route to take.

And if this is you, then you will never feel or be blissful in your life at all!

Because again, the moment there is none of that anymore, you’re left out with nothing but extremely bad emotions.

So do what I showed you above and I guarantee you that not only your life will change, but you will attract all the good things in your life including blissful people, things to make you feel more blissful than ever, and plus you’ll attract all the material things you want and that is included money as well.

Yes, that is because the Law of Attraction is a universal law and is working for every single person in this world, and that means it is responding to the vibrational frequency that you are sending out.

It’s not punishing you at all, but only responding to you!

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Hey, have you been feeling blissful on a daily basis? Or now that you’ve read this complete post, you’re going to start doing what I showed you above? Take your time and share with me your comments below!

(2024) How to Be Blissful Every Day of Your Life – BEST SIMPLEST WAYS = RESULTS


I'm JAY known as 'CAVALAO', the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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