It is true that the power within us is when we are in the state of the vibrational frequency of over 700 hertz which is the enlightenment state of being.

That also means you’re feeling enthusiastic and blessed at the same time!

Now if you can be and actually stay at this extremely high level, then you’re at the divine state of energy and that means all the good and abundance will come to you.

However, some people do find it hard to get to this level including myself but I aim to get to this level every day of my life.

Yet, I know I sometimes get to this state of being because I feel totally aligned with divine force/power and I can surely say that it is amazing like my feelings and emotions are above all thoughts filled with inspiration, I feel like I’m at the top of the world.

To be enlighten or awake does not mean that we are flawless or never commit any mistakes, it simply means that we are watching our own thoughts and reactions as God from up and above the human body and mind. We are spiritual beings with a human experience and while in the body we most often forget who we are. We are one with God. – Gurly C. Himani Hafsmoe

Now I personally believe that billionaires and extremely successful people are also aiming to reach this level on a daily basis for many years as well.

So let’s talk more about enthusiasm and enlightenment! I’ll share with you everything that I personally know that will truly help you out!

What Do Enthusiasm and Enlightenment Mean?

Being enlightened and enthusiastic is our own natural state of energy known as a vibrational frequency of over 700 hertz which can go all the way up to 1200 hertz depending on each person.

An enlightened person is rich in wisdom, which also means awakening and it is someone who feels all the elevated emotions such as being full of inspiration, in a state of pure love, compassion, joy, peace, happiness, kindliness, wellbeing, forgiveness, and so on to get to this omega ultimate consciousness.


Now there are very few people that have gotten to this super level of enlightenment and felt unconditional enthusiasm such as Buddha, Jesus Christ, and several other spiritual/religious folks out there.

Now, of course, you don’t have to be a religious person to get to this extremely high level, but you do have to be a spiritual being and I talk about it here in this post since it is fundamental that you realize who you are as your inner-Being/Higher-Self, and not dominated by your own ego.

Enlightenment is not a change into something better or more, but a simple recognition of who we truly already are.

In fact, I actually believe that most of us are born vibrating at this enlightenment level but during childhood and as we grow older and since our ego develops by the age of 7 years old and therefore depending on your family’s wisdom, vibrational frequency levels will most likely start to drop due to all the bad things we see happening in this world every day.

Now, it is not hard to be in an enlightened state of being and full of enthusiasm when you find out who you really are which means when you start noticing that we are not our thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, past experiences, the events/situations happening around us, or none of that, but become aware that we are God/soul in a human body, it allows you to be enlightened.

Some people happen to feel it once in a while on a daily basis for a few minutes but then it wears out because their ego starts taking over their lives once again!


And according to the law of attraction, the higher we vibrate, the more good things we’ll attract into our lives and this is where wealthy people always seem to keep getting everything they want.

Keep reading!

How to Vibrate at The Enlightenment Frequency?

Even though it is easy as it sounds, I’ll share with you some of the ways that could help you increase your vibration frequency.

Enlightenment, joy and peace can never be given to you by another. The well is inside of you. – Thich Nhat Hanh

The very first thing you have to do is stop looking at negative kinds of stuff or even thinking about anything that is negative.

The more negativity you get into, the less likely your vibes will be! There is no other way around this…


This means stop looking at news, media, bad movies, thinking negative thoughts, and being around negative people as this includes certain family members as well, plus more.

Now when you get away from all the negativity in your life, you will start noticing that your own vibes will start to increase!

And the second tip that I would highly recommend is to forgive yourself and every person who has done you wrong, and this could be your worst enemy, you have to forgive all of them at all costs.

Just so you know, time will never heal your wounds, but only forgiveness that will!

And the third tip is to look for ONLY positive things in your life, meaning only think positive thoughts, see positivity in every person and place, have positive friends, and be closer to positive family members as well.

But the most important thing that is super recommended based on my own experiences, insight knowledge, and my own intuitive wisdom is that you have to meditate on a daily basis as this will help a lot and it is key!

So when you do all of this, you’ll start to feel more positive as well!


Now what I personally do is observe my breathing in and out all the time, meaning right now I’m focusing on my breath which automatically puts me in the present moment, and that way I can be so alert and catch any unwanted thoughts that may come my way.

Yes, it is the secret to being ultimately enlightened all the time, and when I somehow stop focusing on my breath, thoughts do come through, and I simply laugh at them and never believe in them at all or take them seriously!

Therefore, I am back into our natural state of being which is pure love and connected to my inner-Being, and that way, I always look for ways to feel more LOVE, be more in peace, have more joy, learning to be grateful for everything in my life than I already am, and basically feel totally enthusiasm for all.

Of course, you must get your life straight as there should be no dislike of any kind as this includes you should love your job, love your life, love what you have, and love everything that is yet to come to you.

Enjoy what you do and everything in your life!

Enlightenment is the ultimate nourishment for body, mind, and soul. It is the ultimate freedom and ecstasy of life. – Gmit Ray

Do that and I guarantee you that your vibrational energy frequency will start to rise higher than ever where you can reach the enlightenment state of being which is what you should aim for all the time as well!

But Why Aim For the Enlightenment State of Being?

Well, not only it is what we came here to be as our true enlightened selves, but you sure will feel totally better than ever in all aspects of life.

Plus, you will also be in the divine alignment to attract whatever that you want in this 3d physical world.

That means you will become a true magnet to attract more abundance, health, wealth, happiness, and people that match the same vibrational frequency as yours and also attract events to match your vibes as well.

How does that sound to you? Who doesn’t like to feel great filled with enthusiasm?


I mean, it should be the state of level that every person should desire all the time! But again, the only way is when you no longer let your ego take over you and your life…

In fact, our EGO makes it seem like enlightenment is somewhat a “superpower” and hard to “attain” when in reality, it is our true power as our natural state of being and so it is super easy to be in this state, meaing we don’t attain it but go back to our natural state.

Makes sense?

Being enlightened is you become a spiritual being full of intuitive wisdom and feeling all the elevated emotions ever.

People at this level will always look for ways to maintain this extremely high vibrational frequency which they will ignore all the negativity that is happening out there.

However, if you don’t know, about 80% of the world’s population are vibration in the anger and fear state which is less than 150 hertz.

Are you one of them? Well, I’m not, I am usually at around 700 hertz since I am above my thoughts. I feel love and gratitude for all the things in my life!

Now if you don’t know, there are colognes/perfumes spray called pheromones and what it does is increase our attractiveness to become a magnet and attract people into our lives.


Pheromones have been long known to attract the opposite sex to us as the wearer, but recently, they also released the social pheromones sprays to oil-based formulas that will increase our vibes and attract people to socialize in an easy way.

It works incredible when we are at our job and always engaging with different people! Click here to find out more!

I urge you to leave me a comment in the box section below! I would love to hear what you have to say? Have you ever felt the enlightenment state of your own vibration energy? Let me know below!

(2024) Enthusiasm and Enlightenment Are The Energy of Divine Consciousness- See Everything HERE!


I'm JAY known as 'CAVALAO', the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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