There are numerous things that could potentially mess up your life very badly

And I’m talking about it doesn’t matter where you’re currently at which if one of these things that I’m going to mention gets in the way, it can leave you in a hell hole.

For a fact, I know multi-millionaires that ended up being broke due to one single bad thing that they let get to them for a couple of months or years...

So the reason I want to show you all of these is that maybe you could be the next person and I’m here to help you before it’s too late!

Now don’t get me wrong, I have been there before where I lost everything and I mean I almost went homeless, which if it wasn’t for my mother to help me money-wise, I don’t even know where I would’ve been at today…

Therefore, let’s get to know what these “things” really are that have a huge impact to drown you completely regardless of how much money you have, how much success you have conquered, or how much material stuffs you have.

Keep reading!

1: Ego

Yes, the ego is extremely powerful where if you let it take over you and your life, you’re heading on the wrong path.

I actually have a complete post here where I talk all about the ego and how it can be our worst enemy if we let it…

And the crazy thing is that majority of the population are guided by their own ego and that is why only a few percentages of folks out there are actually successful, rich, and wealthy because they don’t listen to their ego.


Which the opposite of the ego is our higher-self also known as our intuition, consciousness, and awareness.

If you can be highly aware of which one is trying to guide you on a daily basis, and if you choose higher-self guidance, then you’ll be heading towards the abundance path that the Universe/God wants us to go.

Now at the time that I lost everything several years ago, I had an extremely high inflamed ego and people seemed to hate me for no reason like I mean just by my presence, people would feel offensive and look at me strangely.

Yet, all I was doing was trying to be a confident alpha ‘stallion’ man, but since people will always judge us regardless of what we do, they thought that I was being too “cocky” in their eyes.

We all messe up sometimes. Don’t forget all the good someone has done, just because they made a mistake. Everyone is learning and growing.

But I’m lucky enough to have found all this out and transformed me into the humble egoless alpha male that I am today, which is why I’m here to help you so you can avoid taking these nasty routes.

Moreover, so just learn to follow your intuition and don’t listen to the “monkey” voice in your mind known as the ego, or else it will ruin you and your life.

2. Bad Influencers/Friends or Certain Family Members

That’s right!

One of the people that I thought I could trust was a so-called “best friend” who ended up betraying me and stole my pickup truck at the time as well as thousands of money up to about $200k.

And family members?

You won’t believe that some of my very close family members were the worse people in my life… Yet, not all of them!

So what I’m trying to say here is that you MUST watch out who the people in your life are!


I mean, they can act as if they care about you, that they love you with all their heart and all that, but the moment you turn your back, they will do something with a bad intention or try to take something from you.

Again, these could even be your spouse, so-called “best friend”, or any family member, it doesn’t matter! We just can’t fully trust people in general.

To me, friends and family are basically just a “title” which not all of them will always be there for you regardless if you’re there for them when they most need help. Trust me, I’ve been there before!

If you don’t want your life to be ‘messed up’, don’t fool around with those who have messed up theirs. – Naopleon Hill

In fact, it is true that a stranger could be your biggest fan than someone who actually knows you. Can you see what I’m saying here?

Therefore, yes, be wise to choose who is in your circle and always act as if you trust them, but only trust your feelings/intuition because you never know how much they can backfire you badly.

3. Negativity

Now this one is something that a lot of people are struggling with on a daily basis. Are you one of them? I bet so!

Negativity is out everywhere and as each day passes by, the more negative kinds of stuff we’re seeing… Yes, it just keeps getting worse!

And that is why it is super important that you do something about it which can include turning off all the news/media channels, getting away from social networks, and cutting negative people far away from your life regardless of who they are.

If someone messes up, let it go. If they keep messing up, let them go.

Negative people always have something to complain about and they seem to never be able to see the good side of things and that is bad since their energy can get to you very fast and easy!


So look for ways to be 100% positive, make your circle small, and focus only on positive thoughts to have a positive life.

In fact, to help you out big time here, start your day by meditating on a daily basis for at least 15-30 minutes, and that way you then can control your thoughts as the day goes by.

Or you can do what I do which is to focus and observe my breath in and out at all moments in my life, which puts me instantly into the present moment!

Last, focus on gratitude, love, and feel all the elevated emotions. Don’t let the outside circumstance get to you where you should know that you only have control of your own self, not the outside world.

4. Always Listening to Others

This is a big one because if you listen to people, you’re not going to get anywhere in life since the majority of the people don’t want to see us doing better than them.

And that’s a fact!

If you were to tell someone your plan, you can rest assured that they could do anything to stop you from getting it…

What screws up the most in life is the picture in our head of how it’s supposed to be.

As I said, there is about only 5% of people that truly want us to succeed in life and these are the same people that are doing better than us. The rest who are most likely failing in life, surely want you to stay at their level as well.


I remember one time I had a girlfriend and I thought she wanted to really be by my side, but every time I told her something about my life or something that I was going to do, she would try hard to put things in my mind for me to not do it regardless of what it was.

Yet, she always tried to show me that she was a different type of person and when I noticed that listening to her was a bad idea, that’s when I left her and my life started to change once again!

So basically, what I have to say is that you shut your mouth and don’t ever tell anyone your plans but do them in silence and let the results speak for themselves.

5. Being Materialistic

Talking about being materialistic, I remember one time all I wanted was to buy cars, a good house, the best clothes, and all of that.

And guess what?

I did buy it all at the time and therefore, I had put all my money into material stuffs, but then I lost it all which as I mentioned before, my so-called “best friend” stole like almost everything that I had.

Life will be boring if you never mess up.

Therefore, I was left out with nothing, zero in my wallet and since I was an extremely materialist person and attached to what I had, I got very depressed and it took me a few years to get out of this hell hole.


And I’m glad I did and that was a life lesson to me that I will never let it happen again!

So if you’re a materialistic person, you can rest assured that your money is not in good hands unless you change yourself.

For a fact, the reason why rich and wealthy people have so much money is because they definitely were not materialistic people at first when they were heading towards success.

Sure, after you have so much money, you can buy this and that, but watch out because you can lose everything in a second.

But that is why it is super important to live below your means!

6. Bad Addictions

Being addicted to anything is a tough one!

And the truth is that you can literally be addicted to basically anything in this life, I mean I used to be addicted to sex, marijuana, negativity, and alcohol.


I remember that I wanted to have sex at least 3 times per day, and if I didn’t get it, I would be so frustrated which at this point in my early adulthood, I actually thought that I was going to have to be a pornstar!

And yes, I used to smoke on a daily basis but I never smoked a lot but took a hit every 2 hours or so to maintain my high.


Yes, I would go out to drink every single day at the time but even though it was only like 3 beers on the weekdays and hard liquor on the weekends, it was still terrible!

So sure, you may not consider it as an addiction since it wasn’t a lot but to me, it was because I couldn’t stop doing it.

Forget the mistake. Remember the lesson.

And in today’s date and age, I feel like I’m addicted to work!

That’s right, I believe this is the only “good” addiction that I will accept to be okay and that is if you’re putting massive amounts of hours into your own business, and not for someone else.

That is because the more we put in the work, the higher milestone we’ll reach!

So what I’m trying to say is that depending on the type of addictions which 99% of them are bad, you should check yourself out and do something about it since life is passing by and will leave you in a hell hole until you do something to stop it.

7. Laziness

Being a lazy person sucks a lot, plus it is actually a sin to the creator of the Universe.

Laziness will take you to poverty and leave you there forever. Yes, it has the potential to leave you homeless and make you die of hunger!

I’m telling you if you’re a lazy man or woman, then you’re not going to get anywhere in life because it is our actions that create success.

And this even means if you’re already a successful, rich and wealthy person, if you create a lazy habit, you could end up losing it all because there will always be someone trying to outwork you.

You can’t lose confidence in yourself, or you’ve lost already. When you get knocked down, you’ve got to keep getting back up. – Tim Tebow

I personally only felt laziness when I used to be depressed and all that I wanted to do was stay in bed all day long and do nothing with my life… Yikes!


And as time passed by, I noticed that I missed a lot of things because of this bad evil habit called laziness.

But as a fact, being a lazy person is actually a CHOICE!

That’s right, you can choose to feel lazy or to feel motivated and take action instantly. It all depends on you!

8. Not Believing in Yourself or a God

If you don’t believe in what you’re doing, who do you expect to believe in you?

No one will…

You first have to believe in your own potential or believe in a source of higher supreme God out there because if you don’t, then you’re left out with nothing.

Believing is just as powerful as taking action!


You have to believe that you can reach your goal, that you can accomplish whatever it is that you want and that you can become the person you want first before anyone believes in you.

Either that or believe in God which will work the same way or better!

It will never be perfect. Just make it work. – Life

I personally believe in myself but I also have a strong belief in a One-true God’s spirit that is inside each one of us since we are all part of the same universe, we are all ONE and we are all sons and daughters of a higher source out there that we don’t physically know.

Some people just believe in the law of attraction which they call it the Universe and it’s the same thing, just different titles.

So make sure you have some type of positive beliefs about yourself or else, you’ll lose in life!

In fact, that’s just like for penis enlargement, if you don’t believe that you can increase your penis size, then you never will!

But if you do believe that by using this effective, safe penis enlargement device on a daily basis for 6 months, you sure will achieve some gains there.

I actually was able to go from 6″ full inches to over 8″ 1/2 within a little over 6 months of wearing it, and by believing in it, and doing what is recommended got me the results!


I can guarantee you 100% that you will enlarge your penis size if you do believe in it and especially if using the same system that I used. Click here to find out!

Don’t leave just yet! Make sure to scroll down and drop me your feedback about something that has messed up your life big time!? I would love to hear from you about what you have to say!?

(2024) The Things That Will Mess Up Your Life – MUST SEE to Fix It


I'm JAY known as 'CAVALAO', the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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