A lot of people who have no idea about the cannabis (marijuana/weed/bud) plant think that since government claims it as a drug that it’s not good for you or think negative stuff about it.

Yet, it all boils down to not looking through the real evidence and true facts out there in which most people are most likely “judging” a plant that does nothing but zero harmful side effects.

I mean, there has not been any legit evidence at all that someone died from overdosing on cannabis! Yet, it sure is safer than alcohol, cigarettes, or any other recreational drug out there, that’s for sure!

If you don’t know, at least half the percentage of real bodybuilders on stage smoke weed because it has no effect on their muscles or anything that will cause them to lose muscle growth!

I mean you can smoke all day and all night long, and then the next day, you wake up at 4 am and still get your workout done and have a massively productive day, which you’ll probably have the same energy or maybe even better…

I used to be a personal user of the cannabis/marijuana plant back in the day where I would smoke throughout the whole day of every single day back at that time. “Wake and bake?” Yeah, I did that for many years!

In fact, some people are claiming it is a “miracle plant”, and I can’t say that it’s not because I know exactly what it does to my body when I used to smoke it!


Now don’t get me wrong, marijuana is safe at all costs but the true fact is that too much of anything in this world will probably not be too good!

The same goes for smoking weed! I remember back in the day, I would go to school super high as I mean, my eyes were bloody red, I was stoned during class, and always laughing at everything!

Now I’m going to talk about it based on my own perspective on how I see it, plus I’m going to share my own opinions and how to actually use it as well!

NOTE: Don’t take anything personal due to me sharing my own opinion and everything that I have to say in terms of cannabis/marijuana or weed. Nothing written here is intended to make you smoke or to do anything in any way. I am not responsible for any of your actions. If you don’t agree, you’re not wrong or right! It’s just that you have your own personal opinion as well! Please don’t judge but accept other opinions since it will have no effect on you.

What Is Cannabis?

Cannabis is a very popular recreational/medical drug out there around the world, and according to Wikipedia, “it is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae“.

People also call it “hemp” but it is more of the “durable soft fiber from the Cannabis plant stem (stalk)”.

Other popular names for cannabis are “marijuana”, “weed”, “bud”, etc.


Now marijuana/weed is what I use to smoke by turning cannabis into a “mixture of stems, flowers, dried-out leaves, and seeds of the hemp plant.

Marijuana/weed is used on the streets and for recreational purposes, whereas the name cannabis is used for medical purposes.

Now this “miracle plant” grows out of the ground on Earth, and unlike men who made beer, cigarettes, and other types of drugs out there, the Universe/Source/Higher-Intelligence/God – you name it, created weed!

In the Bible, it states in Genesis 1:29; “Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you“.

Genesis 1:29 – BIBLE

However, don’t get me wrong because I am not a religious person of any kind, but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe in God/source of infinity/Universe or whatever you want to call it…

I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and he wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong? – Willie Nelson

I actually follow the Law of Attraction and I am sure a 100% spiritual being which means I am above my thoughts and 100% very aware of all things, but I also believe in the Bible as well and if you don’t believe in the Bible, sure I respect you regardless if you do or don’t.

It doesn’t change the way I see people based on their own beliefs. As a spiritual being, I love everyone the same since I know nothing is separated, we are all ONE!

Now, since everything is pure energy, Cannabis does have its own vibrational frequency (200-350hz) that does affect every person who smokes it!

Keep reading!

What Are the Effects/Benefits of Cannabis?

If you don’t know, and based on what I found out from a decade of smoking it back in the day is that when smoking marijuana/weed or smoking pot, what it really does is allow you to become beneath your consciousness/awareness which for some may ENHANCE life as a whole!

So if you’re negatively stressed out or super anxious before you currently start smoking pot, what will happen is that it may free you of those emotional feelings, and you become below your thoughts = better feelings!


And this is where a lot of smokers get it wrong because if you’re feeling high vibration energy known as high-vibes like super happy, excited, and so on, what will happen is that marijuana will drop your vibes to its level and you may actually feel negative feelings like paranoid.

But if you’re a depressed, sad, and negative human being, it MAY help you feel better and temporarily release those negative emotional feelings to bring positive emotions and allow you to laugh and have a good time.

But again, if you’re feeling joyful, happy, and positive feelings/emotions on a high vibrational level, then you’re going to drop your vibrational feelings after smoking weed to match its own vibes, and that’s NOT-SO GOOD!

That is why it is super important to know how you’re feeling before smoking it based on my own experiences, insight knowledge, and intuitive wisdom!

And why do I say this?

Well, I have smoked a lot of bud/weed for many years in the past, and this was when I was very depressed, hated life, and felt like a victim for everything which it used to enhance everything in me to a higher positive level, which means it felt good!

Therefore, the true effects based on my own experience are;

  • May Enhance One’s life experiences/moments to positivity
  • Make food taste so much better since it increases appetite
  • Music sounds so much cooler and much more amazing
  • SEX feels greater where it does enhances the sexual pleasure
  • Things look better and that’s if you’re in a positive, higher state
  • Promotes healthy sleep where you can fall asleep much faster
  • DOES relieve stress, relieves all types of pain, and helps with anxiety
  • Could make you feel careless about the problems around you
  • If I’m bored and I smoke bud, it kills boredom all the time – Good vibes
  • Oh, can’t forget that taking a shower high is a great feeling, I love it
  • Makes me much more creative – That’s the reason why rappers smoke
  • If I smoke before gym time, my muscle pumps are much greater + since it relieves pain, I feel much less pain, and therefore, I lift and exercise way more than I would if I were completely sober.

HOWEVER, in today’s date and age, I might take a hit or so once in a while with the boys, but when I do that, and since I am super enlightened and highly aware meaning I am above my thoughts as a spiritual consciousness Being with high vibrational vibes, what it does is drop my vibes/mood to its level and of course, I can’t enjoy it anymore whatsoever…

But what are the real proven evidence based on clinically trials/studies and scientific data:

  • Medical cannabis has been proven to help treat over 300,000 people with migraines
  • Cannabis protects your liver from the effects of hard-drinking liquor
  • People who use cannabis have as much as 20% more sex than those who don’t
  • Proven to slow down tumor growth in the lungs, breast, and the brain
  • Relieves symptoms of chronic diseases like nausea, abdominal pain, etc
  • A study finds that low doses of THC promote healthy brain aging
  • Helps prevent Alzheimer’s, and treats glaucoma since it helps lower intraocular eyes
  • Proven studies show that it prevents seizures, helps those with ADD & ADHD, as well as treats multiple sclerosis & helps relieve PMS + more…

Now, these are proven results that clinical trials and scientific studies found out! What about the other health benefits that they were not aware of…


So is it really a “miracle plant”? Can they truly use it as a herbal remedy/medicine?

Well, to me it could really be since many states in the USA have legalized it NOT ONLY recreational but for medical purposes as well!

Read on…

But What Are the Side Effects?

People claim that using cannabis or smoking pot/weed or marijuana will cause some type of “negative harmful side effects”.

Now it may be true to some of them, but it is NOT PERMANENT effects!


And I’ll explain why based on my own experiences.

  • The #1 “side effect” that people claim is an addiction to it. That’s a myth because I have smoked every single day of my life in the past, where I would wake and bake, and be high all day long, which when I figured out that it was best for me to stop, I did it without an issue!

There was NO ADDICTION because to me, when you can stop it without being attached to it or without needing any other treatment, then that’s not an addiction! Therefore, smoking marijuana alone and wanting to quit is as simple as making a choice based on my own long-term experience.

  • Memory loss? Sure, while you’re high as f*ck, you may have some difficulties remembering some things, but again it’s not permanently where as soon as your high wears out, you’ll remember everything like you did being sober. So to me, it is temporary memory loss, but that’s the fun of being high, right!
  • PARANOIA, hallucinations, and social anxiety disorders? YES, this is one of the “bad side effects” to most people who have smoked bud, and couldn’t handle their OWN EGO bombarding them with such things…

It is true that you can get really paranoid, but most of the time, you’ll just get paranoid because since weed might be illegal where you’re at, it makes you paranoid to think you’ll get caught.

Makes sense?

Another way that it causes paranoid is because as I mentioned above in the benefits’ section, if you’re already feeling high vibes, then it will most likely cause you to feel down by dropping your own vibrational frequency to lower levels, and therefore, it leads to being paranoid due to overthinking and start seeing things with your mind that doesn’t exist.


Now to me, when smoking marijuana, if you’re always feeling paranoid, then that is NOT OKAY because if you’re feeling this way, it causes your heart to beat a little more rapidly and could lead to heart problems or vascularity issues down the road in the long term!

But I only mean if you’re always getting paranoid like every day, then in the future or in the upcoming years, it could lead to health issues, according to studies.

So the best way to NOT get paranoid is by smoking it only when you’re feeling down, depressed, and sad which will enhance for you to feel great, positive, and in peace with yourself, and you’ll start laughing and enjoying the moments instead of freaking out and being paranoid!

  • Liver damage? Well, if you’re smoking pot in some form of plastic paper or as I may say, low-quality papers or even through other forms of smoking, then it may damage the liver if you’re doing it incorrectly for many years.

Yet, I personally think those are claims and myths because there are numerous men and women around the world that has been smoking weed for over 50+ years, and they are as healthy as they would be with or without smoking weed. Can you see what I’m saying here?

  • Other common “side effects” are poor decisions, low productivity, or decreased motor response…

Now, this could ONLY be true if you allow it!

There have been times when I would wake and bake, then head out of the house and go after my dreams to get work done or even to the gym and kill my workout!

But if I allow myself to sit on my couch and not be productive, have low motivation, and feel down, then it would happen exactly as that!

  • What about depression? Does it have an effect on it? Does it increase or lower depression?

Well as you do know, when I used to smoke all day long, I actually had depression and it was very strong symptoms…

And when I smoked bud, it did help me in terms of relieving pain, less anxiety, and much lower stress.

But when I felt my best and if I were to smoke bud, it would cause some type of paranoid feelings and it sometimes left me way more depressed than ever…

Therefore, as I have mentioned that it basically enhances everything to a higher state or to a lower negative low mood state, it may make it worse or better!

Yet, it is NOT the marijuana’s problem, but the person who is smoking it!


Which to me, smoking weed is NOT for everyone.

How to Smoke Marijuana the Correct Way?

I remember one guy who said that when he gets high, it helps him to put all pieces into play where he respects it and he claims that it is his “teacher”.

And the very first thing that I have figured out is that it is NOT OKAY to be high 24/7, meaning you’re high all day, every day like how I used to be.

I believe it is mandatory to stay sober (not high at all) for at least a few hours of your day, or do like me, during the day I am “sober” where I get things done and at night if I felt stressed out, anxious, or too much body tension, I used to like getting high to stay relaxed, happier, and feeling much better to enjoy the moments and start laughing and having fun.


Therefore, if you do that, it will have no effect on what you do during the day like your work or your productivity and it won’t cause you to make “poor decisions” because it can if we allow it.

That is since when our mind is “high” on marijuana, it is in a slower response time and doesn’t really help with concentration or focus at all.

So that’s my very first advice when smoking pot because if you’re high all day and night, I think you need to give your brain/body a break!

Again, that is my opinion on how I see it, yours could be different from mine.

The second correct way to smoke marijuana is to inhale it softly like “vaporizing” and not deep inhaling where you put pressure on yourself!


Yes, I have had times when I would inhale the smoke with so much force and pressure that I felt some type of ache in my lungs.

So inhale smoothly, softly and enough is enough! You’ll probably get the same high as if you were to inhale with full pressure. Therefore, it will less likely damage your liver in the future.

My 3rd advice is how you’re smoking it! A lot of people do it right by taking off the wrapper leaf from the blunt/dutch/cigar.

Plus getting the higher quality rolling papers is a MUST. And when you’re rolling, make sure not to add in the marijuana seeds. You shouldn’t want to smoke that at all!

My 4th advice is to make sure you know where you’re getting your weed from because you don’t know what they could add to it or it’s quality.


One time in Brazil, I was at a club and one of my boys at that time started lighting up a joint and one of them passed it to me, oh man, just one hit and had me hallucinating inside the club and it basically messed up my whole night… Yikes!

I don’t think it was just pure weed because I never felt that way in my entire life. It was not a good experience! So again, make sure you know what you’re smoking!

My 5th last piece of advice is that you should NOT smoke weed to escape reality but to enjoy reality even more by improving your view of the world and by enhancing your life experiences/moments.

Therefore, don’t make weed an exit drug from life, but to enhance your own life to the best which also means don’t use smoking as your excuse for being lazy. Yes, laziness is a sin!

In today’s date and age, I don’t smoke anymore since I’m already in high enlightenment vibrational frequency and so I don’t need it anymore…


But when I used to smoke every day, I love it at night before gym time to help me lift more weights, feel less pain, and be in a better mood!

Moreover, you should only smoke bud to enhance the feelings you’re having at the present moment, to make you more of being happier, more excited, and laughing much more!

So again, if you’re sad, depressed, stressed, anxious or whatever feeling you’re having, sure you then can smoke weed and that should change your feelings right away.

Or else, if you’re already in our natural state of being which is pure LOVE, joy, and peace, then I will get away from it unless you want it to drop your vibes to its own frequency levels and experience unwanted emotions and thoughts which are negative emotions, and that may lead you to be paranoid = heart beating more rapid than normal = vascular health down the road.


Exclusive Tip: Eating mango fruit before getting stoned will result in you getting even higher…

RESULTS – Should Cannabis be 100% LEGAL? Is It a Miracle Plant?

Well, let’s put it like this!

Smoking weed/marijuana has never caused any serious negative or harmful side effects like being extremely addicted to it nor killed anyone like cigarettes and alcohol has, correct?


Then it should be 100% legal, and make cigarettes illegal in my opinion.

Is it a “miracle plant”?

Well, it kind is because it helps with many health benefits that are proven by real evidence, but with very low to zero side effects. Plus there are studies proving that it really does slow down tumors!

That makes it a miracle to me…


So in my personal opinion, which yours could be different, I believe it should be 100% legal and it is a miracle plant that God created since it comes from the ground and not man-made chemical stuff…

There you go!

As long as you “know” how to smoke it, I believe you’ll be fine and actually enhance your life experiences to enjoy it more than ever.

That is what I used to do, and it sure did make a huge difference in my life especially to get rid of stress, anxiety, and release pain from weight lifting at the gym.

The biggest killer on the planet is stress, and I still think that the best medicine is and always has been cannabis. – Willie Hugh Nelson

Not to mention, I seem to love sex much more when I was high that I kind of find it one of my passions which I believe cannabis makes a big difference when we have sex, and it really does!

Yes, everything is much more sensitive, much more pleasurable and I enjoyed it a lot where I had so much fun.


Now, you want to know what is actually very interesting and funny at the same time?

There are several cannabis businesses in the USA, Canada, and other countries out there, but these same countries that are allowing to sell weed as a “business” still have many people in jail for the same thing…

Doesn’t make sense at all, but okay!

Hopefully, sooner or later, most countries will make cannabis “the miracle plant” completely 100% legal.

By the way, when you smoke bud, have you applied a cologne on to hide the smell of it? I have many times!

But why not apply a cologne with pheromones?

I mean, I love it because men seem to show me more respect, and women seem to be way more attractive to me when I’m wearing a pheromone cologne!

Yes, that’s right! That is exactly what it is intended to do! Not to mention, they have some of the best scents that I have ever smelled here. Check them out!


Oh, pheromone products do have it for men to attract whatever you desire as well as for women to attract all types of sex mates.

So are you a pot daily user? If yes, how many times do you smoke? But if not, why is that? Feel completely free to share your experiences with me in the box below! I really hope this complete post has cleared out all about cannabis due to my own perspective and my experiences with it!

(2024) Why Cannabis Should be LEGAL at All Costs – Miracle Plant? – ONLY HERE!


I'm JAY known as 'CAVALAO', the founder/editor of ALFA STALLION® #1 BEST alpha male website! - Even though English is not my first/native language, you can rest assured that I'm here to awaken you up to help you 'Be the Ultimate Alpha 'Stallion version' of YOURSELF! There are over 170+ posts for you to be the greatest unstoppable, confident version of you, and of course, my MISSION here is to TEACH, INSPIRE, and MOTIVATE you. So feel free to open up your mind and find out what it takes to be an alpha male! Join the tribe through reading other posts here & if you want, you can drop your feedback or any questions you may have by commenting below, thank you. ;) Enjoy my intuitive insight for your own best since I guarantee you that you will not find these unbiased content anywhere else except in this #1 alpha male website! Feel free

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